Videocasts and webinars

Dental appointments and osteoporosis treatments

The Royal Osteoporosis Society Helpline is hearing from patients who have been told they need a dental check before starting denosumab or bisphosphonates. But getting a dental appointment may be difficult and treatments have been delayed.

Sarah Leyland, ROS Clinical Adviser and Specialist Nurse, put some questions to Dr Nicola Peel, Metabolic Bone Specialist and Chair of the ROS Clinical Committee, about whether a dental check is necessary and making sure patients get the osteoporosis drug treatments they need.

Note: this video was filmed during the COVID pandemic, however the content remains relevent.


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ROS Risk Checker- information and support for healthcare professionals

In October 2022 we launched a public advertising campaign to encourage people to consider their bone health as part of the Prevention strand of our Breaking the Silence Strategy – to warn people at high risk, so they can take action to protect their bones.

The risk checker tool is part of this campaign and aims to:

  • raise awareness of the risk factors for osteoporosis and fragility fractures
  • signpost users to information about positive lifestyle changes for bone health 
  • start users on a journey to understand more about their bone health
  • and for those with significant risk factors, to discuss them with a health care professional.

 Find out more by listening to our bitesize videocast from our Clinical Trustee Dr Nicola Peel and download our FAQs for HCPs here:

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Osteoporosis and FLS Services: Treating patients in DXA delays

DXA (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) plays an important role in the diagnosis and management of osteoporosis and assessment of fracture risk in secondary fracture prevention pathways. However, much DXA capacity was reduced or ceased due to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions.

In this video, a team of experts discusses the impact on FLS Services, including: Jill Griffin, our clinical lead for vertebral fractures; Associate Professor Kassim Javaid, consultant in metabolic medicine at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust; Sarah Connacher, FLS specialist nurse at Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust; and Jenny Knell, specialist advanced practitioner radiographer in bone densitometry at University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust.

This resource has been produced by the Royal Osteoporosis Society, with the support of a financial grant from UCB. UCB has had no input into the production or distribution of this resource.

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Webinar for Healthcare Professionals: Lifelong Bone Health - Assessment and management in primary and secondary care.

Thursday 24th June 2021.

In this video, a team of experts discuss the importance of lifelong bone health. Discussing assessment and management of bone health throughout the life course, it is suitable for professionals working in primary or secondary care.Speakers: Jill Griffin, Our Professional Development and Clinical Lead - vertebral fractures; Dr Beth Curtis, Clinical Lecturer in Rheumatology and Honorary Consultant Rheumatologist, University of Southampton; Professor Nick Harvey, Professor of Rheumatology and Clinical Epidemiology, University of Southampton and Dr Sunil Nedungayil, GP, Clinical Director for MSK, East Lancashire Hospital NHS Trust. Hon. Clinical Senior Lecturer, University of Central Lancashire. 

Webinar FAQs Expert Views

This resource has been produced by the Royal Osteoporosis Society, with the support of an education grant from Thornton & Ross who had no editorial in-put into the content of the webinar.

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